Well, we already have the iOS 10 here , and it comes loaded with news, but there are so many that it is better that we go little by little. For now we are going to start with something that has the vast majority of applications and which, moreover, is one of the things that we like the most: PUSH Notifications.
What's new in PUSH Notifications?
We have different types of notifications, which we all know, which is what we have had so far and four new notifications. Although it is a pity that in devices that do not have 3DTouch can not get the full game, since almost all the novelties are found when expanding the notification, and for this you have to press on the notification. Let's see them:
Push Notification 1
To begin with we have the typical notification, the icon and the name of the application appears above and below the text that we send in the notification.
This is the notification that we have always used, but from iOS 9 we have the opportunity to write a small text to respond to the notification. We use it mainly in chats, but open is the possibility to take advantage of this tool to enrich it with other practical uses.
Push Notification 2
The next type of notification is new. Finally, we can add images !!
As you can see in the following image, the possibility of enriching the text with an image is incorporated. The versatility of this tool is as wide as our imagination. Not only can we make our offers more attractive by including an image of our product, for example.
From now on, and putting into practice that saying of "a picture is worth a thousand words," we can improve the efficiency of our applications. Let's get to it !!!
We continue our notification tour, which is getting more interesting.
Push Notification 3
Who does not have gifs at hand?
Who has not had a good time observing and laughing his thanks?
Even conversations in chats are more fun if we can send gifs. And, finally, we can do it !! Let's receive our loads of fun notifications from the first moment. And, the future of our chats promises to be very entertaining and dynamic ...
Push Notification 4
But this is not everything. The options open to us now from the notifications go further and, from now on, we can send videos of this fast way. You just have to display the notification and give it to the play.
And, as always, the best thing remains for the end. The notifications we mentioned earlier are certainly more attractive. But if it is true that at some point we may be somewhat limited. Not so much, obviously, as usual, but it is that we are increasingly ambitious and the more we have, the more we want!
Push Notification 5
Another type of notification is born to meet our expectations. And is that these latest notifications let us customize almost completely.
We will consider them in their basic aspects: to the visualization, on the one hand, and the actions to be carried out, on the other.
- Visualization: what aspect do we want to give it? We can personalize it as we like. In our example we have put an image, a title, a subtitle and a message.
- Actions: You no longer need to open the application to perform an action. We can now execute our action directly from the notification. For example, email notifications allow archiving or reply to email. In ours, we have put 3 actions. We can put those that interest us, although of course, everything has a limit.
The size of the notifications depends on the API used by the provider, it can be 2, 4 or 5K, but we already take care of that!
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